Tuesday, February 01, 2005

i hate being a bitch

not to nag, people. but.... do you see the counter over there? there is little time left. i cannot help you in the way you want if i don't get some more information. if i don't hear from you soon, i'm thinking i'll go ahead and write out a tentative schedule for while you all are here, and you can just critique it and adjust it. and RUSSELL, HAVE YOU FOUND YOUR PASSPORT??? if you don't, its a little too late to get a new one; please find it, as i don't want to not have you here. britrail passes must be purchased ASAP. they have to be purchased from the us and shipped before you leave. i've also found 'paris visite' travel card which provides unlimited metro and bus use for a day for $12 (this is like the london freedom pass). dkm tickets still available, we'll see which city fits closest to our plans.


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