Friday, December 03, 2004

"i promise it'll get paid for"

ok, i guesss it's high time i posted here. school sucks. college is such a useless venture. i don't see how anyone could learn anything of any value in college. maybe its just that i'm going to a local college in a small town, but the majority of students attending college never should have graduated high school, which means that college is an excersize in redundant futility. how can people do this? judging from what i've seen so far, i'd never want to be a college professor. you have to deal with the intelligence and concentration of middle school students, and the freedom of a mature adult, but none of the maturity. its no wonder 60% of college freshman drop out. its not the dumb ones that drop out, just those who realize the futility of what they are doing, and find a better way to go about it. ok, that's all the complaining i'm going to do about that right now.


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